Ayurveda Health Tips for the Body


When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use & when diet is correct, medicine is not required.

  • Taking heavy meals in short duration without earlier meals properly digested, produces Ama (toxins).
  • Combination of fruit salad, milk and banana should be avoided.
  • One should not take fish along with milk because this combination is Abhishyandhi (great obstructers for channels) it vitiates blood.
  • Using yoghurt milk, fish with milk, honey with ghee (clarified butter) is some Viruddha ahara (incompetent food), if taken together, they produce a lot of toxins in our body.
  • Taking fish and cheese preparations along with alcohol, is a deadly combination and can easily lead to skin diseases, because fish with milk products like cheese are contradicted.
  • Drinking cold water after taking hot tea/ coffee is bad.
  • Consuming curd at night is not advised.

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