You Are What You Eat; You Become What You Think….

This is a very old saying, “You are what you eat.” In essence, what is put into the body is what the body will use in the construction and replacement of its cells, hormones and neurotransmitters. Quite literally then the human body is composed of the very food that he consumes. And consider that most cells in the body will be completely replaced within 7-10 years; This means that each and every one of your cells will have been renewed and exchanged for another one that your body has produced. So it’s better to have a body built from whole grains, fruits and vegetables rather than from fizzy drinks, teas, coffees & fast foods. The latter will be less able to adapt to daily life stresses and will be more susceptible to sickness and disease. While working lots of oxidants are produced in the brain. Foods that are high in antioxidants–berries, beans, apples, tea–act like flame retardants.”And don’t forget water. The brain is 70 to 80 percent water,” Milligan says. When it’s metabolically active 10 to 12 hours a day, removing metabolic waste from the brain requires optimal hydration. Super-hydrating with two cups at the beginning of the day and avoiding “dehydrators,” like processed sugary foods, high doses of caffeine, and soda. Cutting out fatty foods gives an almost immediate boost in productivity. There are low energy levels, lack of concentration & miserable moods if fatty foods are consumed on a regular basis.A recent UCLA study found that a diet high in fructose slows the brain, hampering memory and learning. Omega-3 fatty acids–found in salmon, walnuts, and flax seed–can counteract the disruption.

Interaction of foods with the brain: One of the most fascinating things about eating is how various ingredients enter the brain through the blood stream. Whichever elements make it through to power the brain will help to either focus or lose focus. Most of what is eaten will be broken down to one thing: Glucose. Glucose is the fuel, which keeps the brain awake and alert. So at all times, a certain glucose level has to be maintained in the blood, kind of like gasoline in a car.

The most important part here is that humans are in full control of how they release glucose into their blood and their brains. Certain foods release glucose quickly, whilst others do so more slowly, yet sustainably. One Researcher Leigh Gibson found this to be optimal for the brain:

“The brain works best with about 25 grams of glucose circulating in the blood stream — about the amount found in a banana.” And this is the tricky part: the way those 25 grams of glucose can be released into your blood stream is pretty easy. Either with the help of a donut or small bowl of rolled oats. There is virtually no difference in the very short term for your brain activity.

After eating the donuts, glucose is released into the blood very quickly. This provides about 20 minutes of alertness. After which the glucose levels will drop rapidly, leaving the person unfocused and easy to distract.

The rolled oats (complex carbohydrate) on the other hand will release their sugar as glucose much slower. This means there will be a steady glucose level, better focus and attention levels. Another important factor is the Leptin levels. Leptin will signal the brain if the food is enough. The donut won’t signal the brain to be full for a long time, whilst oats will.

Let’s start with the “when”. The most important part here is that one makes sure he’s never hungry. To put this better: when a person is hungry he can make wrong decisions in making the right choices of healthy foods & will go for the high calorie unhealthy stuffs.

As a matter of fact, being hungry or skipping breakfast can ruin several hours of productivity until food is provided to the body.

Food puts you in a better mood. Therefore meals have to be spaced & consumed according to the energy levels of an individual & depending on what was eaten for the previous meal.

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