Panchakarma Detox – Treating Pcos Naturally

Sudden excessive weight gain, changes in skin texture, acne, facial hair, mood swings pop-up out of the blue? All these signs could indicate an impending hormonal imbalance owing to our fast paced modern lifestyle

Cause Effect Relationship: Modern Day Lifestyle Trends vs Health of An Individual

The modern fast paced gadget trendy lifestyle has its own benefits and quite a few drawbacks too. We are all well aware of how we benefit from our convenience-oriented appliances, apps and gadgets, where all we want is available at the press of a button. Ever considered the impact of all this on your wellbeing? Being hooked on to our phones and screens comes at a cost and one of the major drawbacks or side effects is on the health of a person.

Studies show that there is a visible raise in cases of infertility in the present generation and almost 10-25% of the infertility cases are caused by PCOS/PCOD in women. Lack of exercise, poor eating choices, high stress levels, increased expectations of self, owing to the apps that get us what we want, when we want and where we want. This coupled with social media pressure can have a serious implication on the physical and emotional health of an individual.

Treating PCOS: Ayurveda vs Modern Medicine

PCOS-Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome is a complex endocrine disorder prevalent in modern age women. Modern medicine mainly prescribes hormonal therapy and other symptomatic medications which have certain adverse effects over a period of time.

Ayurveda-the ancient science of life considers PCOS as a Vata-Kapha imbalance disorder and Panchakarma/Ayurvedic detox therapies is one of the best line of treatment because it helps to balance the hormones, cleanse the body, reduce weight and thereby regularise the system. In recent times, we have seen a tremendous rise in fertility clinics or assisted fertility centres. This trend indicates that there is a raise in cases of infertility the present generation. Studies indicate that 10-25% of the infertility cases have their root cause in PCOS/PCOD in the young reproductive aged women.

Sedentary lifestyle, stress, extensive use of chemicals, smoking, alcohol and gadgets are some of the main causative factors for PCOS, which in turn leads to more stress, anxiety, depression, fatigue etc. Over a period of time, the medical faculty has tried to get to the root of this major problem. The treatment options available however remain fairly standard i.e. hormone therapy and other symptomatic medications which have adverse effects on health.

According to Ayurveda-the ancient science of life PCOS involves the imbalance of the various body humors like Vata and Kapha along with various tissues and systems. The major treatment protocol which Ayuveda suggests is the purificatory treatments known as Panchakarma which not only help in preventing the disorders but also in curing the diseases/conditions.

Let’s look deeper into PCOS and Ayurveda Detox for PCOS.


What is PCOS?

PCOS-Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a very complex endocrine disorder. PCOS is characterised by irregular menstrual cycles, hyperandrogenism, and many metabolic derangement like insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, obesity etc. The endocrinological abnormality of PCOS generally begins very early soon after menarche. Insulin resistance and chronic elevated lutenizing hormone (LH) levels are the common endocrine imbalances observed in PCOS. The most common contributing factors for PCOS as understood till date include hypothalamic-pituitary function abnormality, increased androgen, unovulation, obesity and insulin resistance.

What causes PCOS?

We can see that there are various contributing factors for PCOS but in general the causative factors for PCOS or the imbalance in the contributing factors can be grouped under Mityahara and Mityachara (unhealthy diet and lifestyle), Pradustarthava (hormonal imbalance) and Bijodosha (genetic abnormality). These causative factors are common both in modern medicine and Ayurveda. Mityachara and Mityahara (unhealthy diet and lifestyle) includes fast food diet, spicy, oily, junk food, irregular sleep patterns, stress, negative emotions like fear, anger etc. Pradushtaarthava (hormonal imbalance) can be genetic or due to our lifestyle as well. Hypothalamas pituitary abnormality, thyroid imbalances, adrenal stress-all lead to imbalance in the reproductive hormones in the women leading to PCOS.

How does Panchakarma help in PCOS?

As we can observe, several lifestyle and diet factors, environmental exposures to toxins and obesity are the main causes for PCOS and related infertility. Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatments are a group of 05 purificatory treatments which help to remove the vitiated or imbalanced tridoshas/humors- Vata, Pitta and Kapha in the body thereby rebalancing the system and aiding the self-healing process.

According to Ayurveda, Vata and Kapha are imbalanced and cause POCS. Panchakarma treatments like Vamana (medicated emesis), Virechana (medicated purgation), Vasti (medicated enemas) and Nasyam (nasal therapies) help to detox the body, stimulate and regulate the various endocrine glands thereby rebalance the systems, leading to weight loss and regularisation of menstrual cycles. Ayurveda also believes that any treatment or medication becomes more effective when the body is purified from all kinds of toxins.

Conclusion It can be seen that PCOS and related infertility or diabetes or obesity in the present generation is on the rise and 90% of the times the causative factor is the abnormal lifestyle and diet. Knowingly or unknowingly we are exposed to a lot of toxins physically, physiologically and emotionally.

Ayurveda Panchakarma detox aids in removal of toxins, rebalancing the systems, regularising the endocrines and thereby curing of the diseases without side effects.

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