Treatments Available On The Beach House Goa

AYURVEDA TREATMENTS: Abhyanga: Anointing and massaging the whole body with medicated oil, which is chosen according your constitution or the disease. The oil is lukewarm, so the ingredients of the oil are more easily to be absorbed by the skin. The long strokes are awakening the skin, heat is causing ...
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The Tailormade Retreat

This 7 day course is aimed at busy executives, senior managers and anyone who feels rushed off their feet with no time to unwind. The purpose of the course is to totally relax you and to rebuild your body’s natural defences. Before your body can look after itself it must ...
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The Beach House Goa Wellness Packages

Holistic Treatments from Across the Globe Our resort is a premium Wellness Centre – A LifeStyle Spa, where you can indulge in natural and holistic therapies modeled on ancient sciences and modern approach. After checking into and familiarizing yourself with your beautiful room and the tranquil retreat surroundings, we shall ...
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A New Boutique Wellness Retreat

The Beach House is a new boutique wellness retreat situated on the secluded beautiful sands of Sernabatim Beach. Offering a range of innovative and all-inclusive wellness programmes, The Beach House provides the unique opportunity for total rejuvenation. Combining ancient traditions with cutting edge technology, The Beach House Goa Retreat offers ...
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The Ardha Matsyendrasana

Ardha Matsyendrasana comes from the Sanskrit language; “ardha” is half, “matsya” is fish, “indra” is the ruler (king), and “asana” is pose. This Asana simultaneously stretches the muscle on one side of the back and abdomen while contracting the muscles on the other side. It tones the nerves of the ...
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India’s Politicians Daily Fitness Routines

What keeps the 63-year-old Narendra Modi spirited through this strenuous campaign trail? His aides credit his ascetic lifestyle and regular yoga exercises. Rahul Gandhi gets his energy from his evening runs and his occasional lessons in aikido, a Japanese martial arts form. The two rivals, as with their ideologies, couldn’t ...
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The Amazing Powers of Chia Seeds

Add chia seeds to your water bottle, afternoon iced tea, or sprinkle them on salads, yogurt, and cereal. One ounce delivers an impressive 10 grams of fiber and 5 grams of protein. Research found they can help you eat less by naturally regulating blood sugar, which helps put the breaks ...
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Going Natural on Foods

The Basic rule of the thumb is, if it comes in a box, can or a bag or any type of packaging or it’s not specifically from a health food or raw food store, it is probably processed. Processed foods made with trans fats, saturated fats, and large amounts of ...
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Neem – The Green Treasure

The neem tree is a tropical evergreen tree native to the Indian sub-continent. It has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for more than 4000 years due to its medicinal properties. Neem is called ‘arista’ in Sanskrit a word that means perfect, complete and imperishable. Most of the plant parts such ...
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