Excessive Weight gain lead to a lot of health problems and it sometimes becomes hard to regain your healthy body. Here are some simple tips to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
- Don’t skip Meals–Skipping meals is not a good way for weight loos because you’ll simply overeat at the next meal. But what does this do to your body long term? Your metabolism is the process that is responsible for burning fuel, and keeping the body in proper working order. When your body gets food, it typically digests it rapidly. This time is coveted by many people who are trying to lose weight, because the body is using fat stores to burn the food that has been digested. However, after the food has been digested, the metabolism goes into a kind of “sleep mode.” This means that the body is not burning as many calories. The longer you wait between meals, the more time your body will be in this sleep mode, and the fewer calories you will burn. Eventually, if you chronically skip meals, your body will get used to being inactive, and it will slow to a crawl, resulting in significant weight gain.
- Work it Out/Get Active--Combining exercise with a healthy diet is a more effective way to lose weight than depending on calorie restriction alone. Exercise can prevent or even reverse the effects of certain diseases. Exercise lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, which may prevent a heart attack. In addition, if you exercise, you lower your risk of developing certain types of cancers such as colon and breast cancer. Exercise is also known to help contribute to a sense of confidence and well-being, thus possibly lowering rates of anxiety and depression. Exercise is helpful for weight loss and maintaining weight loss. Exercise can increase metabolism, or how many calories you burn in a day. It can also help you maintain and increase lean body mass, which also helps increase number of calories you burn each day.
- Cut down, NOT OUT/Balance your meals–Adopting a balanced diet entails eating foods that provide your body with optimum nutrition. It will ideally consist of fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, lean proteins and plenty of water. Though an individual’s nutritional needs may vary, these are the basic categories that must be included in your menu in order for your diet to be balanced. Maintaining a balanced diet contributes to weight loss because you will be consuming the amount of calories, fat and cholesterol that is appropriate for your body. Combined with exercise, it is only natural then that you would start to lose weight while on this diet. Sticking to a balanced diet with the ultimate goal of weight loss in mind is extremely beneficial. First of all, it reduces your chances of developing heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes; it can also help control these conditions if you’ve already been diagnosed. Likewise, it helps to boost your self-confidence. As you start losing weight, you’ll likely feel better about how you look in the mirror. Plus, eating a balanced diet just makes you healthier overall and promotes a regular digestive system, clears your skin and boosts your energy level. Our expert dietitian at The Beach House Goa provides personalized meals according to your body type after a healthy detox session.
- Get enough sleep--Sleep matters for weight loss for two big reasons. First, there’s the behavioral aspect: how much sleep you get influences what you’re likely to put in your mouth. Second, there’s the metabolic aspect: sleep deprivation profoundly changes what happens to that food once it’s already down the hatch. Specifically, sleep deprivation is a huge risk factor for sugar cravings and overeating high-carb junk food (think cookies, pretzels, pasta bowls…). Your body still knows you haven’t slept, and it’s still not happy about it. Sleep loss…
–Reduces insulin sensitivity. Insulin sensitivity is the metabolic capacity to handle eating carbs – to use them for energy, instead of storing them as fat. A reduction in insulin sensitivity means that you’re more likely to store food as fat (and then still be hungry afterwards).
–Changes the composition of the gut flora. Nobody is totally sure yet exactly what the relationship is between the gut flora and obesity, but we know there is one.
–Creates inflammation. In this study, for example, either sleeping 5 hours a night or sleeping at the wrong time (the shift work pattern) increased markers of inflammation