5 Yoga Exercises for Good Sex

Trying out these yoga workouts will enhance your sexual experiences


1. The Cat-cow sequence

This sequence is the foreplay of yoga practice— These feel-great moves warm up the spine, sacrum, and hips. For more release in the low back and hips, push your hips and bottom back into Child’s Pose and stretch into the shoulders with arms extended in front of you, hands resting on the floor or on fingertips. More advanced practitioners may try undulating the body in a rhythm that mimics what you’ll do in bed later: Starting on all fours, on an inhale arch the spine as you move your body forward over and beyond the hands, channeling your inner feline. Then move to the right or left, as the mood strikes you, and exhale the body back toward your heels. Keep moving in a wide circle, hands and knees stay on the floor, as you follow your inhales and exhales. It may help to keep your eyes closed, making it easier to tap into your imagination to find whatever movement feels good.

2. The Cobra pose (bhujangasana)


It’s not easy to be vulnerable (especially when you’re naked), so pretty much everyone can use a little more chest-opening, especially if you spend your day in the car or on the computer. “The chest is a place where we get tense, and we tend to slump our shoulders,” . A gentle backbend like cobra helps counter that tension. In the pose try to keep the butt muscles relaxed and the pubic bone pressing down into the floor; this helps create awareness in and around your genitals so you know exactly where something feels good.

3.) The Sun salutation (surya namaskara)


Going hard and long requires stamina—and sun salutes (one or a dozen of them) build staying power. But there’s more to be gained from this yoga-class standard: “Surya Namaskar is good for improving body awareness,” “It strengthens the front and back of the body, and it’s good for overall strength and flexibility.” Spice up the challenge by doing 108 sun salutations, a meaningful number in Buddhism, and a traditional way to welcome in the year’s solstices.

4.) Bound angle pose (baddha konasana)


The bound angle is good for releasing old emotional patterns that are hampering you from really letting go—like memories of your ex or cringe-inducing thoughts about your muffin top. It also brings more sensitivity to the muladhara, or root chakra, located at the base of the spine and at the perineum which when taut (as if you practiced Kegels daily) enhances sexual experience by toning the pelvic floor.

5.) Seated forward bend (paschimottanasana)

This isn’t just an intense stretch for your hamstrings and back body. Like all forward bends, it encourages you to look inside—which is worth the effort even if it gets a little painful (actually, particularly then). “Pay attention to any emotions that come up as you’re doing this, or any of the poses,. Just as you learn to relax while trusting intensity, you can learn to relax and let go with another person while peaking.

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