Is pain affecting your quality of life? Tired of all the painkillers and medication because relief is temporary, and you are starting to get dependent. Dive into Ayurveda medicine which is natural and holistic with an understanding that the body and mind are connected and heals by correcting the problem at the source. Ayurveda believes that pain can originate from an inflammation, tension and due to a toxic (ama) build up in the body. Learn the true nature of your pain and get personalized advice and treatment for your aches and pains.

Ayurveda healing takes patience, discipline and belief. Be ready to start nurturing yourself, change only unhealthy habits and get into a daily routine that includes the foods you eat and drink, sleep patterns, activity and your lifestyle. Ayurveda is for everyone looking for a natural way to heal all it needs is your will to do what it requires.

What’s Included

  • Body Type identification
  • Body Type imbalances identification
  • Address Health concerns
  • Personalized Diet & Lifestyle recommendations
  • Personalized Dosha Food Chart according to your needs
  • Introductory Meal Plan with Recipes

Who is it for?

  • Anyone suffering from pain
  • Chronic joint aches, stiffness & pains
  • Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis etc
  • Chronic/acute neck-shoulder pains, stiffness
  • Chronic/acute upper/middle/lower back pains, stiffness
  • Sciatica, frozen shoulder, varicose veins & ailments
  • Fibromyalgia, general body pain, etc.

How you benefit:

  • Understand the root cause of the pain
  • Natural & easy remedies for chronic pains & aches
  • Improvement in the flexibility & mobility of the joints.
  • Relief from stiffness and pains
  • Simple home remedies, diet & lifestyle changes for better active life
  • Stress free pain free active happy life

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